Project information

  • Teams of: 4 peoples
    (Omaya LISE, Kristian GOUPIL, Alexandre PERCHE, Vincent DEVINE)
  • Project duration: 2 weeks
  • Git: Github/SAM_Save_the_president


For ISART DIGITAL, 2nd year project.
The purpose of this project was to become familiar with the PS4 DevKit and to draw conclusions regarding the various insights gained from our experience with Unreal Engine 4.


You play as SAM (Security Assistance Machine), and your mission is to rescue the kidnapped president.
It's a third-person infiltration game available on PC and PS4 (DevKit), developed by a team of 4 developers using Unreal Engine 4. of hearing.


Skills worked on/acquired

- Unreal Engine 4
- Build console
- DevKit PS4
- IA (Behavior Tree)
- Optimisation
- C++/Blueprint